Friday, March 20, 2009


The Medical Council of India was set up in 1934 under the Indian Medical Council Act, 1933.But with the phenomenal growth of medical education in India after independence, it was felt that the provision of Indian Medical Council Act were not adequate to meet the new challenges. Thus the Indian Medical Council Act, 1933 was repealed and a new act, Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 was enacted. This later act was further amended in 1964, 1993 and last in 2001.
Medical Council of India, celebrating its platinum jubilee this year (founded in 1933), could not have chosen a more appropriate platform of celebration than the launch of its new service called MCIonline, an online application system for various certificates issued by it. MCIonline is a continuation of the many pioneering initiatives in the field of development and monitoring of Medical Education in India by Medical Council of India. This new service was dedicated to the nation by Dr. P.C. Kesavankutty Nayar, President (acting), during their Executive Committee Meeting today.
Through MCIonline, Medical Council of India provides an additional facility for qualified medical professionals to apply for a number of certificates covering Registration, Additional Qualification, Good Standing, Temporary Registration and IMR Certificate(s) online through its website. It shall also facilitate tracking the status of application online that have been submitted to Medical Council of India. However, Candidates can also continue to apply through physical application Form.
At MCIonline, the visitor can choose the application that he/she is interested in applying and proceed by entering all the details required as part of the application. On successful submission of application, the system would generate a unique Candidate Reference No.(CRN) for the application. The visitor should subsequently take a print out of the "Acknowledgment" and "Online Application Form" and attach the fee and supporting documents required and send them to Medical Council of India within one month from the date of submission of application online. Fee structure and check list for each type of application is provided online. It has also been planned to add a payment gateway facility to accept online payments soon.

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